Thursday, October 06, 2005

a pair of plummeting birds

Do you guyes remember that one Christmas Party where we made everyone watch that Ben Stiller/Bill Pullman movie Zero Effect? I had such a huge crush on Bill Pullman at the time. That movie was so oddball, and I remember for years Ryan and I would joke about this poem in it where the author rhymes the word birds with the word towards. I don't even remember the punchline anymore, but it came to mind now for some reason.


Cute necklace from Lucky LooLoo, and some other cute items on the site, although I would like Jana to give a second opion about whether or not the items are worth the price. Appraisal, please.

And seriously, that movie was so oddball, but it had its moments, and it might be worth a rental if you're looking for something quirky.

Also, thank you to Cyndi for doing the ringading prompt first! Yay!


Blogger Jana said...

I've become super cynical about retail shopping...of course most things are marked up ridiculously. The little Loo birds are no different. However, it's a decent price point - in all situations in retail land, I think how much you're willing to pay for something probably depends on how much you like it. In any case I believe it's a fair price - as long as the chain is SS.

12:44 PM  

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